Our process: In doing some consumer research I came to realize that there's very little information on vacuum forming for customers to understand and learn the benefits. The first thing to note is there is actually too different methods to doing it, one being vacuum forming and the other being membrane-less vacuum forming. The main difference between the two is standard vacuum forming uses a silicone mat(membrane) that is laid over the hot piece of kydex before pressing. With membrane-less vacuum forming it is simply that, no membrane laid over top before pressing. The difference in results is that with membrane-less forming you are able to get a much better definition overall in the holster. This can result to less wear and tear on your firearm in the long run, better retention and overall the best fit and finish you can get.
So why would a company go through all the trouble and expense to vacuum form and then choose to use the silicone membrane resulting in less definition? Cost.
When a company uses a mat over top of the piece of kydex they are able to use a much smaller piece or scrap piece of kydex, while without the mat it does require a larger piece to seal properly. For us at Wingman the extra profit we could make on a holster from using a membrane isn't worth the quality we would be sacrificing to our consumers on the other end. Only about 10% of kydex makers in the industry are vacuum forming and only about another 5% roughly are membrane-less vacuum forming. My first question in determining to buy from a holster company would be on what process they use, do they buff all their edges and overall is it the most minimal design it can be? Have you ever looked inside you holster? Like really looked? I did some comparisons the other day and even though I know the difference in the processes I was still shocked at how visibly different they were.
A sight channel Comparison.
The inside difference.
An overview of the definition difference.
At the end of the day what's important to us is seeing a consumer with a quality holster that provides good safe retention and a comfortable carry. We aim to educate customers on the holster making process and continue to offer some of the best holsters money can buy. We do this with the American gun owner in mind, the more good people out there that carry a gun, the safer our Country will become. At Wingman Holsters we offer a lifetime warranty and 30 day money back guarantee on all of our holsters because we truly believe in our craftsmanship and are proud to be in the 5%. And that’s our story.
-Wingman Holsters